Book Description: You Are Unstoppable: Practical Principles for Overcoming Setbacks and Experiencing Breakthroughs (Audiobook)
Do you ever feel destined to accomplish something bigger but don't know how to find it? If so, come along on an extraordinary transformational journey. The Bible says, "You are God's masterpiece created anew in Christ Jesus to do good things" (Ephesians 2:10). God loves you unconditionally and has a perfect plan for your success. This book by Mike Prah inspires, empowers, and liberates you to achieve outstanding results. Mike weaves insightful teaching from God's Word, illuminating illustrations, and poignant reflections with a Bible study guide to help reinforce and apply the spiritual, personal, and professional principles discussed. With God, nothing is impossible! So, hop on board and experience your breakthrough! You are truly unstoppable!
“You Are Unstoppable is a must-read for anyone searching for biblical truths and practical steps to unlocking breakthroughs in their life. After reading and being blessed by “Skill Will Bring Success,” my friend Pastor Prah has hit another home run with this book that empowers readers with the confidence to have the same faith that biblical heroes like Joseph, Nehemiah, and others had with comparable outcomes.”
—BISHOP GEORGE W. HAWKINS, Jr, Senior Pastor of High Calling Ministries
“Pastor Mike Prah has done it again; his gift of teaching provides breadth and depth in each chapter. Readers will find a comprehensive treasure of effective Christian life habits that will yield unstoppable blessings and a “Not I … But Christ” eternal paradigm shift. May those who apply the abundance of biblical wisdom that Mike has woven into this guide find their journey with Christ flourish to newly found levels of grace and love!”
—DR. CHRISTOPHER KUIPER, Strategic Leader, Treasury Finance Professional, University Professor
“An important, powerful book by Mike Prah. The author throws down a challenge to all Christians to live the abundant life afforded us by Jesus Christ and experience a lifetime of fulfillment. I love how Mike dissects the personalities, characters, and experiences of the characters in the Bible and relates them seamlessly to our everyday situations. It resonated a lot with me. The Bible says, “Let our light shine for all to see our good works and give glory to our Father in Heaven.” Indeed, this book is a solid guide based on the uncompromising, time-tested Word of God, which, when applied diligently, will unveil our greatness by shining light on our good works for all to see.”
—DAVID GRIFFITH-SACKEY, Minister, Author of Tame Your Boss, Life Coach, Business Performance Consultant, UK
“There are distinct times when you know you are hearing from God. Reading this book is undoubtedly one of those times for me. This work gets straight to the point in such a loving and simplistic way. Pastor Prah has meshed the high-level academics with relevant analogies and a strong dose of Scripture to create an easy read. Each point leads you into the next, making it a hard book to put down. Unlike many books in this category, this book provides excellent summaries and key points to help the reader recap and do further study to reinforce the point. The most remarkable aspect of this book is that it did not feel like I was reading just another book; however, I felt like a loving pastor was teaching me. I could hear Pastor Prah’s love and voice as I went from word to word. This work personally moved me.”
—REGGIE PICKETT, Founding Pastor of Enlightened Church
“Mike’s passion for souls is evident in his spoken and written word. He does not stop there but goes on to seek to bring out the best in those around him. You see his inner fire in the book “You Are Unstoppable.” Like in his previous book, “Skill will bring Success,” you see Mike’s desire to hone in and sharpen a believer’s skillset. This book is filled with short amusing stories about actual incidents and people. These anecdotes bring out the story’s life, rendering great inspiration. One such captivating story is of the world-renowned Charles Atlas in Chapter 9, from a feeble specimen of a boy to a world-class superhero. The material is well organized, and each chapter concludes with a prayer, practical self-evaluation, key points outline, and Bible study guide. This makes for easy reading and organized thoughts that facilitate practical application.”
—VINCENT OWUSU, Professional University Tutor and Realtor-Broker
“You Are Unstoppable is a transformative book that will impact your life. This book provides practical situations designed to help anyone who has experienced setbacks and turn those into success. Pastor Prah's insight into the lives of the biblical characters is relevant to every person's challenges. This book is for you if you want to exude confidence, holy boldness, and victory. This is a must-read!”
—BISHOP BILLY SAINT-JAMES, Founder and Lead Pastor of Spirit of the Living God Baptist Church and Author of Weapon of Praise
“Author Mike Prah gives readers a shot of encouragement and purpose-driven focus with this practical guide showcasing how God designed us all for great purpose and greatness; this guide is meant to serve as both personal reflection and for small group study.”
—BRET HOVESKELAND, Publishing Professional
Table of Contents
Praise for You Are Unstoppable
Part One: Chapter Notes and Reflections/Small Group Discussion Questions
Chapter 1—Living the Overflowing Life
Reflections/Discussion Guide—Living the Overflowing Life
Chapter 2—Turning Setbacks into Success
Reflections/Discussion Guide —Turning Setbacks into Success
Chapter 3—How to See Your Dreams Become a Reality
Reflections/Discussion Guide —How to See Your Dreams Become a Reality
Chapter 4—How to Overcome the Enemy Within
Reflections/Discussion Guide —How to Overcome the Enemy Within
Chapter 5—How to Be Confident and Victorious in Crisis
Reflections/Discussion Guide —How to Be Confident and Victorious in Crisis
Chapter 6—How to Break Free from Strongholds
Reflections/Discussion Guide —How to Break Free from Strongholds
Chapter 7— What It Takes to Be a Great Leader—8 Cs of Influential Leadership
Reflections/Discussion Guide — What It Takes to Be a Great Leader—8 Cs of Influential Leadership
Chapter 8—How to Live a Life of Significance
Reflections/Discussion Guide —How to Live a Life of Significance
Chapter 9—How to Overcome Your Weakness to Become a Stronger Person
Reflections/Discussion Guide —How to Overcome Your Weakness to Become a Stronger Person
Chapter 10—How to Recover from Your Hurts
Reflections/Discussion Guide —How to Recover from Your Hurts
Part Two: Key Points and Scripture Outlines for Each Chapter
Chapter 1 Key Points: Living the Overflowing Life
Chapter 2 Key Points: Turning Setbacks into Success
Chapter 3 Key Points: How to See Your Dreams Become a Reality
Chapter 4 Key Points: How to Overcome the Enemy Within
Chapter 5 Key Points: How to Be Confident and Victorious in Crisis
Chapter 6 Key Points: How to Break Free from Strongholds
Chapter 7 Key Points: What It Takes to Be a Great Leader—8 Cs of Influential Leadership
Chapter 8 Key Points: How to Live a Life of Significance
Chapter 9 Key Points: How to Overcome Your Weakness to Become a Stronger Person
Chapter 10 Key Points: How to Recover from Your Hurts
Part Three: Small Group Guidelines and Helpful Hints for Hosts
Small Group Guidelines
Helpful Tips for Hosts
Small Group Guidelines
Small Group Roster
Connect With Mike
INTRODUCTION & Audiobook Sample
You Are Unstoppable: Introduction - Audiobook Sample
I want you to join me on a remarkable transformational growth journey.
The Global Positioning System, commonly known as “GPS,” is an excellent navigation tool for getting you where you need to go. With kind instructions, it says, “Turn right up ahead.” If you make a mistake, it either corrects you or redirects you. “Turn around and go the other way.” You are no longer required to read an atlas if you do not want to. A GPS directs you on what to do and where to go. When you need to improve your life or get on the right path, as we all do, there is no better resource than divine GPS—the Bible.
God created you to love you, and He has an overarching purpose for your life. Whatever has happened or is happening to you, God can use it to bless you abundantly. Paul expresses this delightful promise:
“I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!” (2 Corinthians 6:11-13 MSG).
God does His transformational work in us through His Word—the Bible. If your car fails, you take it to a mechanic. When something breaks in your house, you call a handyperson. When your body fails, you go to a doctor. What do you do to get your life back on track? You need divine intervention. Nothing you use to improve or solve a problem in your life can compete with God's power. Nothing can change people's lives like the Bible.
The Bible contains principles for spiritual development, personal happiness, financial wellness, business success, building solid relationships, physical health, emotional health, and every other area. In Acts 20, Paul is about to leave the people of Ephesus, and he says to them,
“Now I entrust you to God and the message of His grace that is able to build you up” (Acts 20:32 NLT).
Paul claims that God’s message has the power “to build you up.” The original Greek word translated as “build you up” implies that God’s Word has the power to transform, establish hope, strengthen, and provide a blessing amidst life’s hardships.1 The good news is God’s Word—the Bible—is filled with principles and power that can help you recreate, stimulate, and unlock your greatness.
This is important because only God, your Creator, knows the full scope of your greatness and the impact of your life. What if you spend your entire life unaware of the power, blessings, and benefits available to you because you never took the time to grasp what they are?
In this book, I reveal the timeless truth of God’s Word to inspire and liberate your potential to achieve incredible results you never thought possible. The Bible says,
“Nothing will hold you back; you will not be overwhelmed. Always remember what you have been taught, and don’t let go of it. It is the most important thing in life” (Proverbs 4:12-14 NCV).
I pray that this book's practical, time-tested truths will enable you to realize extraordinary breakthroughs in your emotional, relational, financial, professional, and spiritual life. None of these skills can help you if the principles are not implemented. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Some of the skills are pretty simple. Please do not dismiss them because they are straightforward. Small positive changes are required to make a significant difference in your life. Practicing these truths is vital to aligning with God to release your renewal, recovery, and growth. Jesus declares,
“Even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice” (Luke 11:28 NLT).
God Word says in Hosea chapter 6,
“Come, let us return to the Lord. He will heal us. He will bandage our wounds. In just a short time, He will restore us so that we may live in His presence. Let us press on to know Him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn” (Hosea 6:1-3 NLT).
Get ready to experience unstoppable breakthroughs as we delve into the life-changing principles of God's Word together!
“I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and bless your life!” (Philippians 4:23 CEV).
Mike Prah
[1] Albert Barnes, Notes on the New Testament: Acts, ed. Robert Frew (London: Blackie & Son, 1985), 298.
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