Book Description: Skill Will Bring Success (Hardcover, Paperback, E-book, Audiobook)
The theme for this book is a Bible verse from Ecclesiastes 10:10. It says: "If an ax is dull and its edge is unsharpened more strength is needed, but skill will bring success."
You can work harder than anyone else, but without the right life skills, you won't succeed. Skill increases success. Mike Prah draws from the lives of winners like Moses, David, Nehemiah, Joseph, Job, and others to present a compelling, actionable prescription for personal growth and success in this book. Mike teaches proven skills for emotional, spiritual, mental, financial, vocational, and relational success. His straightforward, easy to read, fun presentation of timeless truth will inspire you. Come fly higher than ever with the winners!
praise for skill will bring success
Mike Prah delivers a powerful message in Skill Will Bring Success! Eloquently written, each chapter draws the reader in, to apply real-life concepts and ideals to every day life, personally and professionally. This easy to read book, builds momentum each chapter and packs a powerful message in the final chapter that does not disappoint! Mike has a very dynamic presentation in person, and he pours that passion into each page! If you haven't already, get your copy today! - Valerie D.
This is an amazing book by a gifted, anointed teacher, pastor, and mentor. Pastor Mike uses practicable biblical instructions and stories from multiple characters in the bible that humans can apply to have a successful life financially, emotionally, vocationally, physically, and most important spiritually. I heard him speak in person at my church in Silver Spring and I must admit, he is as good of a writer as he is a speaker. His book I will share with all those who are close to me. Praise God for using him in a mighty way. - TD
Truly amazing and inspirational.. I highly recommend reading this book, I am more empowered than ever before, work, life and relationships...Skill will BRING more than success. Enjoy! - Kisha
Great book! Excellent advice for business, relationship, finances, spiritual growth and many more. Every page and chapter is packed with remarkable wisdom. As soon as I received the book, I read five chapters at a time. Couldn't put it down. Definitely a page turner. The prayers at the end of each chapter is awesome. Plus the summary outline after each chapter is a great reference to review time and time again. This book is a gold mine and I will treasure this book all my life. The author is truly gifted. I can't wait for the author's next book. I highly recommend this book to everyone It is worth it!!! - Gameon
Table of Contents
Chapter 1—How To Live The Life Of Your Dreams
Chapter 2—Laws Of Promotion
Chapter 3—Learning The Skill Of Right Timing And Execution
Chapter 4—Learning To Deal With Negative People
Chapter 5—Defeating The Fears That Hold You Back
Chapter 6—Habits Of Financial Freedom
Chapter 7—Living By Faith Is A Game Changer
Chapter 8—The Secret Sauce To Greatness
Chapter 9—Prayer Works!
Chapter 10—How To Recover From A Failure
Chapter 11—How To Enjoy A Satisfying Marriage—The 6 Cs Of A Happy Marriage
Chapter 12—The Secret To Relationship Faithfulness
Chapter 13—How God Transforms Weaklings To Winners—God’s 4-Step Transformation Process
Chapter 14—What It Takes To Win In Life—The 4 Ds of Winning!
introduction & audiobook SAMPLE
SKILL WILL BRING SUCCESS: Introduction (Audio Book Sample)
Thousands of self-help books in print today will tell you all you need to succeed in life is desire and determination. My friend, that is just not all true. Of course, you need desire. Of course, you need determination. But you need more than that. I know people with desire and determination who have not succeeded in life. Having the tools and skills to succeed in life would be best.
For instance, a farmer can pray for a giant crop. But if he plants the wrong seed, uses the wrong fertilizer, or doesn’t give it the proper amount of water, it’s not going to be a big crop no matter how hard he prays or works and how sincere he is.
I cannot use my lawnmower to wash my clothes, nor can I use my comb to brush my teeth. I can try, but I won’t be successful. You see, you must have the right tools and the right skills in life to succeed. One of my life scripture verses is Ecclesiastes 10:10. Wise King Solomon tells us,
“If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but SKILL will bring SUCCESS” (NIV, emphasis added).
You have to have the skills of success to succeed in life. The Bible says, “If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is required.” In other words, if you’re chopping wood and have a dull ax, it takes more effort and strength to get the job done. If your ax is really sharp, it’s not as hard. Here is the good news: the Bible says, “skill will bring success.” This Scripture verse says that God wants you to work smarter, not harder, in every area of your life.
One of the keys to succeeding in life is being skilled. It’s not enough to want to be successful in your life, in your relationships, in your career, in your finances, and in your schooling. Desire is not enough. Determination is not enough. Dedication is not enough. Prayer is not enough. Working hard is not enough. All of these are important, but they are not enough. You’ve got to have the right skills. The Bible says, “skill will bring success.” Until you learn those skills, you cannot succeed in life. The more skillful you become, the more successful you’ll be.
You could be the most sincere person in the world, but you will fail at life if you don’t have the right life skills. The good news is skills can be learned. That’s what we’ll look at throughout this book; skills you need to succeed in life and work.
My goal is to impart the essential life skills you need to live a maximally productive life—spiritually, emotionally, financially, relationally, vocationally, mentally, and physically
I have not mastered all these skills, but I’m trying every day to put them into practice, and you can too. None of these skills can help you if the principles are not implemented. Wisdom is putting knowledge into action. Some of the skills are very simple. Please don’t dismiss them because they are simple. Many times the smallest things make the most significant impact. Practicing these truths is very important to your growth and development. Do your part, and God always will do His part.
Moses said: God, “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom” (Psalm 90:12, NIV). This is my prayer for you.
So join me on this journey as we grow in wisdom and achieve all the great victories God has planned for us in every area of our lives.
Grace and peace to you,
Mike Prah
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